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What is Aromatherapy?

The definition that I like to use in conversation with those new to working with essential oils is below. I like this definition because it is simple, concise, and it opens the door for conversation and elaboration:

“Aromatherapy entails the use of essential oils and other natural aromatics for physical, psychological and spiritual well-being.”

Who invent the terminology “Aromatherapy”?

The French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé invented the term aromatherapy in 1928. Although the term aromatherapy was not used until the 20th Century, the use of aromatic botanicals and aromatic oils date back thousands of years. Distillation and the use of essential oils dates back nearly one thousand years. Explore the fascinating

What are the benefits of essentials oils?

It’s been using for over 20 years, and you love this how beneficial essential oils can be.

  • Some Essential Oils are Anti-Microbial
  • Some Essential Oils Can Help Reduce Pain and Headaches
  • Some Essential Oils Can Promote Relaxation and Can Help Encourage Restful Sleep
  • Some Essential Oils Can Help Balance the Emotions and Ease Feelings of Stress, Grief, Sadness and Anxiety
  • Some Essential Oils Can Help to Increase Alertness
  • Some Essential Oils Can Help with Mental Focus and Support Cognitive and Brain Health
  • Some Essential Oils Can Complement Meditation, Prayer, Yoga and Spiritual Applications
  • Some Essential Oils Can Support Healthy Digestion
  • Some Essential Oils Soothe Nausea
  • Some Essential Oils Help Control Acne and Oily Skin